Tag: #kinkoftheweek

In the Post

In the Post

Sometimes it’s fun to send someone something exciting in the post. I love my Polaroid camera! It wasn’t until I had decided to use this image this week that I realised it fitted in really well with the Kink of the Week, which is all 

First Time

First Time

The first thing I notice is the cold. It runs down my back in sharp juxtaposition to the warm caresses of his fingers, shocking me into drawing a sharp breath. My muscles tense as I follow its path, down my back, around my buttock and 



I was scrolling Twitter this week when I cam across this thread by a sex educator discussing the issues that arise for people raised in purity culture. I was surprised at how many of them applied to me. Lack of connection to own body. Above 

Rhythm and Range

Rhythm and Range

I experienced a caning for the first time exactly one week ago. Apart from a brief (and excellent) introduction to a variety of impact toys from Pointy in July during which she showed me its tap tap rhythmic potential, this was a first for me,