Tag: Black and White



It’s the last day of #FebPhotoFest23 and I thought this was a fitting photograph to end on, as so much of my month has been about my experience of being trapped by my own body. Let’s hope that the spring brings the beginnings of some 



For a very long time, from my first ever climax to approximately two years ago, orgasms came easily. I rarely struggled to come, and there were times I was able to do so quickly when I wanted to, both with my partner and without. It 

Follow Friday

Follow Friday

I am pleased to say that baths are back on the menu. After a month dealing with very upsetting symptoms, I am really happy to be back to something approaching ‘normal’. The eagle eyed among you will notice that the blog has a different url. 



“One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”~ Paulo Coelho The prompt for Revelations this week is this quote about love by Paulo Coelho, which I found myself immediately drawn to. One of the things I think we spend so 



Every time I think I am getting back on my feet, something else comes along to knock me down. I feel like this in every conceivable way. I need to catch a break.