
When I sent this photo to Honey, she said it reminded her of the sixties, and quoted Mary Quant (twice!)

“Fashion is not frivolous. It is part of being alive today.”

Mary Quant

I don’t have any fashion sense whatsoever, but I loved what one article said about Mary; that she empowered women to be bolder, go shorter and just feel free in expressing their individuality, and I can very much get behind that.

I don’t think that going this short will catch on, to be honest, but it does express a lot about who I am as an individual. Maybe underlying my demure exterior is a secret rule breaker, a wild thing waiting.

Mary says that it is important to take enormous risks, and I believe it is time for me to start taking them. After all;

“Rules are invented for lazy people who don’t want to think for themselves.”

Mary Quant

Sinful Sunday

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