
Every time I think I am beginning to make progress, something puts me right back here again.

Sinful Sunday

0 thoughts on “Again”

  • Progress isn’t often linear it bobbles up and down and back and forward. It’s okay. Steps forward will happen again when you’re ready <3

    • Thank you lovely. Sometimes it feels like never ending heartbreak but baby steps. X

  • That’s NOT fair!

    I’m angry at whatever is setting you back.

    Thank you for keeping up with the posts though, I really do enjoy them.

    • Thanks JerBear. It’s the nature of the disease I’m afraid. No happy endings just yet.

      It’s good to have you along for the ride.

  • Lovely as always. Thanks for sharing your beautiful self. I resemble backsliding. My weight has been a yo yo as my impulse control wanes. Time to step up my self discipline. Which means put this down and get back to work on my tasks for the day! Thanks for the interlude.

  • I wish life was a somewhat linear process between steps A & B, but alas it is not, and I know the feeling of being knocked backwards somewhat myself.

    • Thank you lovely. You are absolutely right, it can be a challenging and convoluted journey. X

  • A fabulous image… It has the power of making me feel to be there and touch your whole body… And your bush is very amazing and sexy…

  • I do hope you soon start to feel like those steps forwards are not always reset when you do slip back. Progress is never easy and it sounds like you have had more than a few challenges and issues to overcome.

    You are to be admired for your recognition of where you are, how you got there and that you want to move forwards in a different direction than that taken in the past.

    All strength to you and as I day I hope things feel better soon.


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