Autumn Harvest
As I write this the sun has broken through after a torrent of rain this morning. It feels rather apt as I was unable to post yesterday after taking unwell (why yes I HAVE been watching too many period dramas) and I am just beginning to start feeling somewhat human again.
I have a new camera, which has been terribly exciting (a 40th birthday present to myself). It may not be as technically brilliant as my old DSLR, but it is light enough to hold, and better than my phone. I couldn’t not take advantage of the mahoosive pumpkin that we grew last year (though only half the size of the one we grew the year before, sadly eaten now). Unfortunately our garden this year produced absolutely nothing – like everything and everyone else, I believe it was traumatised by world events. Every seedling we planted died, and nothing that did survive produced fruit.
This is the last of four pumpkins which have lasted us the entire year (which is saying something, as I eat soup for lunch every day). My way of celebrating the autumn, my favourite time of year.

That is one mighty pumpkin and I love that you only have a hat on…. a vital piece of clothing in this current weather
Thanks Molly. I do love my hat.
I do love this! I didn’t have any pumpkins this year but you have inspired me to do better next year!
Pumpkins are the best! A certain someone (you can probably guess) suggested we do a group shot next year with pumpkins, so I’m looking forward to seeing what you produce.
I love love love this picture. Its joyful and autumn happiness filled. Your hat is the finishing touch.
Thank you!