The Kindness of Strangers

Ever since I decided to join Twitter (well, create a new anonymous NSFW Twitter handle, anyway), I have been blown away by the kindness I have experienced from all the tweeters I have encountered. I have had some amazing interactions, not just wonderful, stimulating and fun conversations (though they have been delightful of course) but real, bona fide kindness from ‘strangers’ that has genuinely changed my life.

Can I call them strangers anymore? I have felt connection over the internet in many surprising ways, and no longer feel like I am interacting with strangers, but with friends. There were the ones who distracted me with hilarious anecdotes via DM when I was struggling emotionally, the tweeter who reached out to offer me the possibility of a disability friendly vibrator, the fabulous meet up/lunch date (and future meet up for fun and giggles which is on the cards) and the possibility of a photo shoot for my 40th birthday and all the many many of you who answer my weird Twitter questions with honest and helpful responses. So much wonderful goodness.

Most recently, I was offered the opportunity to borrow a book (and I DO love reading. I can’t wait to get stuck in!) which arrived with the most beautiful ‘bookmark’ that I know was slipped into the covers on it’s way back from another tweeter who had borrowed it before me (*waves* if that is you!) I couldn’t resist the opportunity to photograph it for #sinfulsunday.

Sinful Sunday

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