Month: June 2021



I’ve had a really long, tough week. Physically it has been draining. I am trying to reduce my pain medication so that I can orgasm again, but that is triggering fairly severe pain flare ups in my hip (bursitis? sciatica? who knows), which affects my 

No Shame

No Shame

“The only shame in masturbation is the shame of not doing it well.”  Sigmund Freud  I can’t completely agree with this. I don’t believe there is any shame in not doing masturbation well, whether that means not achieving orgasm, or finding it difficult in some 

Radical Honesty

Radical Honesty

I feel like I’ve made a choice recently to step back a bit from my life, and from my community. It’s not that they aren’t nice, well-meaning people who probably do care about my wellbeing. It’s more that they aren’t the kind of nice, well-meaning 



Is there anything sexier than words? There’s just something about the way they are said, or written, which can bypass all the checks and balances in my brain and reach right into my spinal cord. That moment when he said I wish I could see